
The live system does not boot.

Your hardware may not be supported.

GhostBSD is based on the FreeBSD Stable branch and hardware support can change often. Hardware support is generally good, however, some more recent hardware may have issues. You can try to boot the live system on another computer to determine if the issue is related to your hardware or with the bootable USB itself.

Please refer to FreeBSD Hardware Compatibility for more information on indiviual components.

The installation media may be corrupted.

Ocassionally, ISO files may become corrupted during download or during the creation of a bootable USB flash drive. Please refer to the Getting started guide to download a new ISO file and create a new bootable USB flash drive.

The live system does not reach a graphical desktop environment.

The installation ISO may be outdated or require general bug fixes.

Try creating a bootable USB using the latest iso found on the Download page under Latest Builds. GhostBSD is a rolling release and ocassionally updates and fixes are pushed to the latest build before a new official image is created.

Please note: This section is incomplete and is currently being updated.